- The Occupancy limit for the Symmetry Dental Center during Phase 2 of Covid-19 is 18 people.
- To adhere to social distancing our patient’s appointments are staggered.
- Confined areas noted (maximum of people without masks):
- The lunchroom (3), labs (1), and operatories (3). Bathrooms are single occupancy. Government social distancing signs are posted as a reminder.
- The staff schedule is adjusted to allow for social distancing in these areas.
- In training, we have addressed the importance of keeping 2 meters apart. If not possible, masks and face guards are worn.
- Patients are reminded by telephone to arrive at a scheduled time and alone (if possible).
- Sneeze guards, at the reception desk, are installed to protect administrators and visitors.
- Toys and magazines were removed from the waiting room and chairs were 2 metre’s apart to encourage social distancing.
- Multiple cleaning products are available throughout the dental clinic.
- A meeting with all the team members employed at Symmetry Dental was held on May 20, 2020. Our infection prevention policy book, along with the BC Ministry of Health and CDSBC(College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia) guidelines, was reviewed and discussed.
- All the prescribed signs have been posted in the clinic, as directed by BC Health. See Reopening Phase in the Employee Protocol Book.
- The clinic team understands the importance of being mindful of the reception area and numbers. Patients will not leave the exam room unit until the administration is available to receive them; to avoid multiple patients waiting at the desk.
Using Masks/PPE:
- We have discussed the use of masks, PPE (personal protective equipment) and reviewed all protocols outlined by the CDSBC. Signage, from the BC Ministry of Health, is laminated and posted in the lab room, how to wear a face mask, how to don and doff PPE, and sterilization instructions.
- Employees will follow the guidelines set out by the College of Dental Surgeons on PPE (see employee protocol book). Staff instructed to wear a mask at all times when physical distancing is not achievable; for example, when treating a patient in an exam room.
- Staff are N95 fit-tested to a reusable P100 6200 3M mask and educated on how to don, doff and sterilize equipment.
- All mandated PPE (gloves, gown, eye protection and masks) are located at the Symmetry Dental Clinic.
Reduce the risk of surface transmission through effective cleaning and hygiene practices:
- We have discussed with the team all the common areas and surfaces located in the office and the importance of cleaning them regularly (min of 2-3 times per day). The administration will sterilize common areas, according to the handbook protocol.
- The clinical team is responsible for cleaning and disinfecting exam rooms and bathrooms according to CDSBC sterilization guidelines. Information is available in the Employee Protocol Book and postage guide located in the lab.
- Reviewed and instructed on the importance of proper handwashing techniques. Hand hygiene posters are displayed at every sink in the building and available in our Employee Protocol Book.
- Hand sanitizers are at the entrance of the clinic, the reception area, and operatory sinks.
- Extra equipment or tools are stored to make rooms easy to clean and disinfect.
Developing Policies:
- Symmetry Dental is following the protocols and policies provided by the CDSBC. (See Employee Protocol Book)
- Pre-Screening is done on all patients over the phone and then in person he/she will reconfirm and sign the COVID-free form.
- Employees assess themselves before work for COVID-19 symptoms and will sign upon arrival to work that they are Covid-19 symptom-free. If they do have symptoms, they will not enter the facility and will self-isolate and treat according to the direction of Public Health.
- Staff informed on how to find the Self-Assessment Tool.
- All unscheduled people who enter the facility will be documented in a daily logbook. This will include date, name, and telephone number.
- Postage signs, STOP and Do Not Enter, if you have COVID-19 symptoms, are placed at entrance doors. We have protocols in place for emergencies if we do have to treat a patient with COVID-19. (See Employee Protocol Book)
- Employees have access to BC Health Care Worker Exposure Risk Assessment Tool in Protocol Book.
- We have discussed what to do if a staff becomes ill at work. (Employee Protocol Book)
- Team members are encouraged to communicate with Carla, the administrator, on any concerns they may have.
- Morning huddles will provide opportunities for the team to communicate, remind, and reeducate protocols; what is working well and what needs addressed to provide a safer work environment.
- Symmetry Dental will stay informed on any changes made to the protocols set out by the CDSBC and implemented.