If you are missing one or more teeth, then you may be considering your restorative options. Your Cranbrook dentist will provide you with information regarding your treatment options. One of these options may include dental implants. Dental implants replace missing tooth roots and provide a strong foundation for replacement teeth. They restore the function and […]
You, Me and Root Canal Therapy
Does the thought of a root canal make you shudder? Cost and pain are most likely the first words that come to your mind when your Cranbrook dentist says you need a root canal. However, how many of us actually know what a root canal is? Root canal therapy also referred to as endodontic therapy, […]
6 Oral Care Tips For Healthy Teeth
Many of us seek expensive treatment to ensure our smile looks its best, but the good news is your oral hygiene requires very little out of your pocket. Maintaining the health and appearance of your teeth simply means making a more conscious effort at home. To learn how you can make the most out of […]
How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Improve Your Smile?
When patients see their smiles for the first time after cosmetic dentistry, they are often both in amazement and disbelief. This life-changing moment is a feeling both the patient and the dentist in Cranbrook will not forget. Each patient is unique and the “one-size-fits-all” approach is never something that is practiced or believed to be […]
Your Child’s First Dental Appointment?
Dentists will usually recommend children visit their offices by the time they are one or within six months of the eruption of a child’s first tooth. What does my child’s first dental visit entail? Your child’s first dental visit is a brief yet important appointment to attend. Rather, the first dental visit for a child […]