The cosmetic benefits of Botox are relatively well confirmed, but the use of dental Botox has grown popular. Continue reading to learn why more and more patients are acquiring this dental service. Therapeutic dental Botox offers relief for:
- Pain in the head that results from tension in the muscles of the face, head, and neck.
- Headaches are the result of bite issues like TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome).
- Recurrent and repeated clenching and grinding of the teeth.
- “Gummy” smiles attributed to over-retracted upper lips.
But, what exactly can Botox do for you?
Botox delivers relief
Botox is a commercial name for botulinum toxin, which comes as a purified protein. The activity behind its abilities is simple. Botox is administered to the facial muscles, thus blocking the transmitters between the motor nerves of the muscle. However, there isn’t a loss of sensory feeling in the muscles. As soon as the motor nerve terminations are interrupted, the muscle is unable to contract. The relaxation relieves the symptoms derived from muscles involved in your pain.
Botox works when conventional therapies don’t
People who suffer from teeth grinding and clenching, temporomandibular disorder and headaches associated with those conditions will surely find relief from Botox treatments. The dentists specializing in Botox in Cranbrook are dedicated to pinpointing safe treatment methods for you to deal with your pain and dysfunction.
Dental professionals have a competitive advantage
Dental professionals can provide you with a quality of treatment that many Botox treatment appliers couldn’t dream of. Since dentists have quality training in the bone and muscular architecture of your face, they will help you retain your natural looks while helping with your symptoms. The high-end training dentists go through in the oral and maxillofacial areas (meaning the face from the chin to the forehead) qualify them to administer Botox.
Botox as a solution for teeth grinding
Do you rigorously grind your teeth? If you do, you are not alone. Roughly, over 50 percent of adults and 15 percent of children grind their teeth. This habit could occur during the day or at night and result in unpleasant health effects. For example, you can harm your natural teeth and get unnecessary pain in your head. Thankfully, a dental professional in Botox near you could help put a halt to teeth grinding. As your muscles relax, your symptoms dissipate. Botox is also used to help relax the muscles that are responsible for TMJ symptoms and pain, which are directly related to grinding and clenching of the teeth.
How else does Botox help?
Aesthetic dentistry cases can benefit from the use of Botox. For example, helping patients avoid surgical treatments. Botox is also of help for denture patients who can’t adjust to new dentures. It also supports lip augmentation and can be used in orthodontic cases where retention of facial muscles is required.
Find out what Botox can do for you
Should you want to know more about the Botox treatments offered, head to a dental clinic in Cranbrook and make an appointment!