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What You Need to Know About Drug-Free Sedation With Laughing Gas

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what you need to know about drug free sedation with laughing gas

“Laughing gas” is nitrous oxide, a colourless and odourless gas. Laughing gas was discovered by English scientist Joseph Priestly in 1793. It has been used for over 200 years and, even now, remains one of the most frequently used types of anesthetic.

When nitrous oxide is combined with oxygen and inhaled through a mask placed over your nose, it slows your nervous system. Because the anesthetic is absorbed through your lungs, it requires no injections and patients do not need to swallow any pills. No, it doesn’t make you laugh. But it will make you feel calm and comfortable while sometimes also making you feel somewhat light-headed, a bit “tingly,” and as if your arms and legs were much heavier than usual. While sedated with nitrous oxide, you’ll remain fully conscious and able to listen to your dentist and answer any questions asked during treatment.

Why do dentists use laughing gas?

A dental clinic near you uses nitrous oxide as a form of drug-free sedation because it both takes effect in just a couple of minutes and also wears off quickly. Any lingering effects of nitrous oxide can be purged from the body once dental treatment is over simply by breathing pure oxygen through a mask very briefly.

Even though the effects of laughing gas wear off quickly, many patients do experience some lingering disorientation or lightheadedness when standing up for the first time after treatment with nitrous oxide. To prevent patients from tripping or falling, the dentist or team member will likely stay quite close by your side when you first stand up. That disorienting effect will pass in three to five minutes without any persistent effect.

Drug-free sedation in Cranbrook using laughing gas is an ideal solution for helping patients in the following situations that might otherwise interfere with their receipt of treatment:

  • Patients who experience dental anxiety or phobias
  • Patients with special needs affecting their ability to remain calm or still during treatment
  • Patients with an easily activated gag reflex
  • Patients unable to tolerate local anesthetic or for whom local anesthetic is not wholly effective
  • Young patients who may find it difficult to remain physically still for as long as required

Is laughing gas safe for everyone?

While nitrous oxide is generally safe for all your organs (including your brain) and effective, it is not an appropriate sedative for everyone. There are several groups of people for whom laughing gas may not be appropriate. Patients who are in any of the following categories should ask their dentist to recommend alternative methods of achieving relaxation:

  • Patients with a medical history of mental health issues
  • Patients with a prior history of substance abuse
  • Women in their first trimester of pregnancy
  • Patients with the medical condition methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency
  • Patients with a vitamin B-12 deficiency

One common question we are asked about laughing gas is whether it is appropriate for children. Subject to a practical consideration and a concern about a side effect that we’ll mention below, the answer is yes. Some kids even seem to like the sensations they experience with laughing gas. Nitrous oxide helps children to stay still and calm during dental treatment. Practically speaking, though, some children struggle with having to wear a mask over their noses. Children also sometimes experience nausea. Parents of a child who may undergo dental treatment with the benefit of drug-free sedation near you should discuss their particular child’s circumstances with their pediatric dentist.

Are you curious about the benefits of drug-free sedation for you or a child in your family? In advance of any treatment, get in touch with the staff at a dental clinic in Cranbrook to ask if drug-free sedation is appropriate and available.