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What Are Your Options When It Comes to Orthodontic Treatment?

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what are your options when it comes to orthodontic treatment

Today, there is an increase in the level of awareness and more adults are showing interest in orthodontic treatment. These treatments allow the patient to become more confident and satisfied with their overall appearance by correcting the alignment of their teeth and jaw.

Why is orthodontic treatment important for some adults?

You might have seen an adult with poorly aligned teeth or a poorly aligned jaw. An adult with an overbite, underbite or any other orthodontic problem should seek orthodontic treatment. The misalignment of teeth can be caused by genetic factors or long-term habits like thumb sucking as a child. While the ideal time to receive orthodontic treatment is during childhood and adolescence, it is never too late to correct these issues. It is also expected for the teeth to shift as we grow older and what this implies is that there may be a need for one to seek orthodontics in Cranbrook at some point or another.

Who needs orthodontic treatment?

Those who are best suited for orthodontic treatment are adults with misaligned teeth or uneven bites, the same applies to children and teenagers.

For adults, the following are some of the most common conditions that will necessitate the need for orthodontic treatment:

•Misaligned teeth

•Mild, moderate or severe overbites with teeth protrusion


•Disproportion with the jaw and facial structures

•Over spacing in the teeth

•Re-arrangement of the teeth before the introduction of crowns, veneers, dental implants or dentures

Which orthodontic treatments are ideal for adults?

Braces may not be considered the most attractive treatment option out there. There are even some adults who are worried that using braces can cause other unintended consequences. It can affect the way they interact with people and cause social settings to be a lot more awkward. Because virtually 30% of those who choose orthodontic treatment are adults, it is a testimony to the success of orthodontics and how comfortable it can be for adults.

However, the good news is that with advances in healthcare technology, adults can now enjoy very sophisticated orthodontic treatments with many comfortable options to choose from. When you visit a skilled orthodontist, he or she can select the very best treatment option for your condition.

1. Clear Aligners

Invisalign is one of the most well-known alternatives for adults who would like to seek orthodontic treatment at a dental clinic in Cranbrook. These aligners are clear items made from carefully-crafted plastic. They are placed on the teeth and over time, alter the alignment of the teeth. They can also be removed which makes eating and cleaning your teeth much less difficult. These aligners can be worn for up to 22 hours daily.

2. Braces

Braces have evolved, from bulky metal braces, we now have modern-looking and attractive ceramic braces that match the natural colour of your teeth. They also offer more comfort to the user and are fixed to the teeth by a dentist near you.

3. Lingual Braces

These work like regular braces but they are fixed to the back of the teeth rather than the front. Their main advantage is that they are invisible when in use. But that said, it is also important to know that they can be quite pricey and can be more complicated to fix and adjust when compared to conventional braces. But that aside, lingual braces can be very effective. Speak with an orthodontist near you to determine the best orthodontic treatment for your situation. During a consultation, they will perform a thorough examination of your teeth and establish a customized treatment plan.